Friday, February 18, 2011

Coding continues...

I have continued to code an interface for the KIPP site. I like the artist sites that function as a one-stop source and also focus on the catalogue raisonne for a particular artist. Looking at sites by Koons, Ruscha, Caro and Hepworth for inspiration. Currently, the WORK will be driven by a flat file using PHP...makes it easy for anyone to maintain.
I'm still struggling with imagery. I feel that as long as a reciprocal link is provided and proper credit is given, why would interested people not want to share the imagery. To me, this is different than photography of people or places. When taking a photo of artwork, I struggle with who should "own" that photo. Maybe this is why most artists control those rights. I see a lot of folks on the web selling shots of sculpture without rights to do so.

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