Friday, September 19, 2014

UNTITLED Roller Ink Paintings

Discovered 4 new, roller ink paintings for sale on EBay from a private collector in Howard City , MI. All four pieces were sold to unknown buyer(s).

Thursday, June 26, 2014


One of KIPP's former students and assistants, Jesse Nolan, sent along several installation images of PLACID, ONE-O-NINE and LOCKPORT. It was spectacular to see these colorful images of PLACID and ONE-O-NINE.
Here's hoping that the Lake Placid Center for the Arts is able to finally erect PLACID again in all its primary colored glory.
You can visit Jesse's website HERE.


Visiting Naples, FL for KIPP's memorial and had breakfast with KIPP's son Keeth. They welcomed me to a family gathering last night for great food and interesting stories aboout KIPP's life.
This morning I visited TONAWANDA and took a lot of photos.
The Smithsonian archive has also recently added pictures of several KIPP pieces as part of their Outdoor Sculpture archive. I am pleased to report that most of the pieces are in much better shape than the images indicate including TONAWANDA.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


This piece was included in the Made in Florida traveling exhibit in 1992. It is a transitory piece between the PLATES and ANGLES aspects of PLACID, ONE-O-NINE and SCOTTSBORO and the INTERSECTION cycle introduced in 1978.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Winston Collection

Joan and Harry Winston sent along several KIPP pieces they have in their collection. Several maquettes, ink paintings and LOVE WARRIOR.
Their 1981 roller painting is unique as it contains 9 compositions as opposed to most of the paintings which contain a single composition.
Search on "winston" to retrieve the entire collection.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Special thanks to Harry and Joan Winston for supplying some images of their KIPP pieces, CORONADO and LOVE WARRIOR. Don't miss the image of LOVE WARRIOR with KIPP during a 1992 visit.
CORONADO also appeared in a small Italian show in 1997 with DURHAM.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Decided to spend the day honoring KIPP by scouring the Fine Arts library in East Lansing. Discovered a copy of the Art in Public Places exhibit. The show pamphlet illustrated SCOTTSBORO.
Beautiful day.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Lyman E Kipp Jr (1929 - 2014)

I heard earlier this week from KIPP's daughter, Lisa, that he had passed away peacefully on Sunday, March 30 at his Bonita Springs, FL residence.
It goes without saying that I admired KIPP's work and I will continue to maintain this site with the same fervor in order to document as much of his work as possible.
I spoke with KIPP quite frequently over the phone since posting this site and I knew he appreciated the work I was doing for him.
He always had a great story to relay to me about a piece or an artist friend.

He lived quite a life.

If you would like to post your thoughts, feel free to add them to the site. Lisa has access and the family would love to hear from you. Click here to add to the guestbook.

Friday, February 21, 2014


While doing some investigation this afternoon, we started searching the "Lake Placid News" archives for information on PLACID's fate. We sent another inquiry to the Lake Placid Center for the Arts and found an interesting comment from November 2013 by a gentleman named Dan Patchett.
Come to find out, Dan authored a book about Lake Placid titled "Paradox Bay" which mentions PLACID several times and he offers this update:

“Placid” by Lyman Kipp was created with steel beams from the 1932 Olympic Area, commissioned by the village and installed July 1979 in Mill Pond Park then later removed because of public criticism. “Placid” was later saved and removed from a muddy grave at the water treatment plant by LPCA former Board Members Parmelee Tolkan and Linda Friedlander with help of a concerned membership. Presently there is a committee of people who want the sculpture resurrected. For the time being “Placid” waits restoration behind Lake Placid Center for the Arts 2013" - Dan Patchett, Paradox Bay

Here's hoping that LPCA is able to secure funds and restore PLACID to its primary-colored glory.
Thanks Dan!

Friday, February 14, 2014


Images added from the A.M. Sachs show in 1970. Looking for the piece that transitioned to GAUGE and started the PLATES ANGLES cycle. Glad to have these images.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Finally found an image of NEXUS in situ and as it turns out, there was a very rough, untitled sketch in the Betty Parsons Archive.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Discovered some images and a  realized description of SAMP from the Colgate show beyond the maquette.


We have added several more exhibition entries and started to add show titles. Also, when available, the work displayed at the given exhibition will be listed in red below the entry.

BARTAR Revealed

Finally found an image of BARTAR...surpisingly colorful!

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Always enjoy finding a new piece illustrated on the web. Discovered this majestic piece in the American Sculpture (1970) catalog at the Sheldon Museum of Art Publications site. Beautiful. Huge show and the catalog is available in PDF form. Hopefully more institution see the value in publishing old exhibit catalogs for researchers. Sheldon/University of Nebraska has ULYSSES in their permanent collection.
Also, I have been adding models of work from Google Sketchup which will help fill in some of the missing imagery until actual photos are discovered.
An Augmented Reality(AR) project is in the works and we hope to publish it shortly.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Maquettes for ALTO and RED WING

These two pieces arrived on my doorstep this morning. Thanks Jim and Doreen. I am quite pleased to add these two pieces to my collection.

Added CYCLES to the Work page

I have been attempting to organize the work for quite some time to help make sense of the form periods. I have decided to call these CYCLES and they break down this way:

CASTS - This is the early work created thru various casting methods.
TRABEATED - Post and lintel forms.
PLATES ANGLES - This work was created with stock angle extrusiuons and plate metal cut to size and bolted together for easy transport.
INTERSECTIONS - Typically two forms passing through one another
TRINITY - One vertical or horizontal form acting as a base for two other forms
RELIEFS - Wall pieces
2D - Drawings, paintings, lithographs, etc.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Rare PLACID Photo and Info

I occasionally scour the Web looking for any tidbits about KIPP's work. Today I stumbled upon this little gem about PLACID.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise
April 21, 1981

[PLACID with graffiti]
Village flushes away art?

Mill Pond sculpture may go down the drain


LAKE PLACID — The controversial sculpture "Placid" will be moved to a temporary home which its critics might think appropriate - the village sewage treatment plant. 

Many neighbors have already complained that the sculpture stinks.

The village board last night approved moving the sculpture to the grounds of the sewage treatment plant for temporary storage until the directors of the Center for Music, Drama, and Art can decide what is to be finally done with it. CMDA has agreed to provide a permanent home for the piece, but has taken no action to move it to a final site.

Board member Gerald Cassidy proposed the move to the board, pointing out that it has been nearly six months since it was agreed that the sculpture would be moved from its present location in Mill Pond Park. No definate date for the move has been set.

Trustee George Christian Ortloff proposed that the sewage treatment plant be made the permanent home of the sculpture if CMDA does not take action soon to take possession of the piece. He noted that it is a policy of the village board to display art in public buildings and said that the sewage plant should also be given the same priviledge.

"I don't see why the sewage treatment plant should be deprived its fair share of art," Ortloff said.
The board agreed unanimously to have the piece moved for temporary storage, but did not act on Ortloff's

The sculpture, created by New York City artist Lyman Kipp, has been the center of controversy since it was erected prior to the 1980 Winter Olympics. Residents of the area around Mill Pond contended that the piece, which many claim
resembles the McDonald's Golden Arches, was not in keeping with the essentially rustic character of the neighborhood.

Since it was placed in the park, it has been the subject of criticism, heated debate, and numerous acts of vandalism. The brightly colored sculpture has been hung with critical signs, sprayed with black paint, and disparaged in conversations throughout the village.

Nice, enlightened folks up there in Lake Placid. I have repeatedly sent emails asking for any information about PLACID and get no response therefore assumed this piece was gone forever. To be fair, it has been 30 I have an image which please me.